
Zowe worked in the medical coding industry for more than a decade. Early in her career, she opted to become an auditor and manager, which caught the attention of recruiters at Oxford University. She interviewed at but declined to pursue employment with Stanford and the Mayo Clinic. Zowe’s prior laboratory expertise proved invaluable for investigating Covid-19 PCR testing fraud.

When vaccine mandates were implemented for healthcare staff, she resigned. After witnessing over a year of medically assisted murder and being forced to take a vaccine that harmed so many, the line in the sand was crossed. It seemed there was nowhere to turn, unable to return to her previous career or attend college to acquire a new skill over the same vaccine mandates. She began to expose Covid-19 fraud and share her unique perspective from insider knowledge.

Zowe’s work has appeared in The Last American Vagabond’s SubstackUnjected Substack, and Liberty Uncensored Newspaper. Most notable for a video featured on Children’s Health Defense VAXXED bus, She has delivered public speeches at freedom festivals and has appeared on The Alex Jones Show and numerous podcasts.

Intellectual Integrity Statement:

The opinions I present are my own. I may or may not agree with the views of the content creators work that I share. Media is curated by myself and shared based on interest and relevance to the content in My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult. I receive zero funding outside of donations through Substack, GiveSendGo, and my website. There are no affiliates or any other source of income which might compromise freedom of expression.

Supporting my work can be done for free by spreading the message and content. If you’ve found my work valuable and would like to make a monetary contribution, donations are graciously accepted at GiveSendGo.

“You were meant to be FREE!”


15 thoughts on “About

  1. You’re an inspiration Zowe.
    I’d love to buy your paperback book. Any idea how long before it’s printed?
    I read your article on Substack.
    Well done, you are the heroes. Should be more people like you.
    Warmest wishes

  2. I was a coder for over a decade. Everything you said is true. Few want to see it though. The psyop was carefully planned and carried out with precision. I keep hoping for a mass awakening but they are clever. As long as they keep the lie of variants simmering they can, and probably will, turn up the heat and make covid propaganda boil over again. Good luck to you. Look fwd to your book.

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