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Freedom Market Book Sale

Supporting a parallel economy, this is how we change the world

What makes it a Freedom Market, and why was this the perfect setting for the first book sale of The Covid Code My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult? Glad you asked…


This market stands out because of its unique mission. First and foremost, since it was founded during the height of Covid hysteria, it shouldn’t surprise you that being able to attend mask and vaccine free is a core value. As are respecting bodily autonomy and freedom of speech. One woman who organizes the market explains, “We are free from the new world order”. If you aren’t familiar with that term, you have some catching up to do. Simply put, at this market, nobody has to ask for permission to sell from the state. Nobody has to pay for licenses, permits, or inspections. There are no regulations to dictate what products are safe to consume. Regulations that would normally prevent selling veggies to a neighbor, raw dairy consumption, unpasteurized apple cider, and meat that has been home-grown and processed. Vendors are also free to accept alternative currencies like silver and gold, free from tax and tracing. Don’t let the lack of regulations fool you; each vendor is a craftsman in their own right. Held accountable by high levels of integrity and a sense of duty to provide a useful service to the market community.

The freedom market might be the only one where you will regularly find other people as passionate about exposing the ongoing mass genocide, as myself. It continues to amaze me how people in the freedom and truth communities miraculously find each other. Giant bumper stickers like this one that reads “Covid-19 hospital protocol kills” might earn you serious harassment in the wrong crowd, but they quickly bring together the awakened ones. In these days of psychological warfare and intense gaslighting, it’s always nice to know you aren’t alone in recognizing that the media is the virus.

Can you imagine someone walking up to the genocide syringe mobile and asking to get the jab? True story: it happened. The person asked if the driver was handing out jabs that day because she still had room on her vax card for more. The driver of the genocide syringe mobile was speechless. It is tragic how these vaccines are murdering innocent people, but at some point you have to wonder about the blind order followers. In lemming society, those individuals would be the first to jump off the cliff.

The vaccine injury tally continues to grow, as does the number of banners available. Check them out here and start educating your community about the invisible genocide and other censored topics at Be like the legendary woman who drives the genocide syringe mobile!

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It’s no secret that I have been called toward farming since leaving what I now refer to as the medical cult. Being born and raised as a city girl and growing up as a genuine tree hugger would suggest it is an unusual move. Environmentalists and conservationists tend to look down upon farming as a source of pollution. Farming has been vilified because of the heavy use of industrialized practices. If Covid taught us anything, it is that the chosen narrative is never what it seems. Farming is no different.

On my path to heal myself, after I had exhausted what western medicine had to offer (you can read about it in chapter 5 of The Covid Code), I turned to organic, unprocessed food. Only to find out grocery stores don’t sell that. They buy in bulk from farmers in faraway lands and use deceptive labeling to convince you to pay extra for ‘farm fresh organic foods’ that are tainted or poisoned in various forms. The best way to know what is in your food is to grow it yourself; the next best thing is to buy it directly from the farmer. When I began asking farmers about their growing practices, I learned they were just as concerned about the health of the environment as I was. Better still, there are farming practices that do not require fertilizers or pesticides. These alternative practices build up soil health and produce more nutrient-rich food.

When you consider that my family line was all farmers until two generations ago, the transition back to the land begins to make sense. There is just one problem: the mass genocide by hospital protocol and vaccine injury needed to be exposed. Getting back to the land had to take a back seat until my mission was complete.

Thanks for reading My Life In The Thrill Kill Medical Cult! This post is public so feel free to share it.


After two long years of writing, The Covid Code is published and ready for sale. That may seem like a short period of time to some authors, but the rush to get the messages in this book out to the public cannot be understated. The healthcare workers who remain in the system are the ones who will follow protocols without question. If hospitals became kill centers during the scamdemic of 2020, the groundwork is laid for a much worse story to play out if there is ever a rerun. This book may contain keys that will help people fight back if that ever happens, or possibly even prevent something like Covid from ever happening again. It may help people who have lost loved ones understand the sinister motivations behind their murders. Most of all, it will instill doubt in the healthcare system as a whole. The medical cult has worked for decades to prevent anything from making the public doubt or distrust the modern healthcare system. It just so happens to be my mission to affirm that distrust. What better place to start than with a group of health-conscious people?

Wonders of alternatives to modern healthcare abound. There are herbal teas, tinctures, and salves in every color and variety. Natural and ancient food remedies are also for sale. There are over 74,000 ICD-10 diagnosis codes in the international classification of diseases that the WHO manages. Remedies from nature are just as diverse. Everyone’s biochemistry is unique, and so are the options one can use to manage them.

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The freedom market has been running for four years strong. It hasn’t been easy. Community leaders and organizers always need help finding suitable market locations. As a grassroot, volunteer run market, donations are always needed to assist with overhead costs. Where there is a will, there is a way. This group of dedicated people wants to create a better future for themselves and for their children. They understand it takes small strides like this to get there. Forming a network of people who can provide the supplies you will need for survival if all other options get cut off is great. Worth its weight in gold is knowing that the community will be there to help you if disaster strikes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you knew your neighbor would help if your house burned down? Or if you needed a hand with a barn build or help to bring in a harvest? Wouldn’t it be great if you had that kind of sovereignty and confidence? The freedom market is trying to model that future for us all. This is how we change the world.

Anyone can organize one of these markets. Every town needs one to call their own. If there is one near you, go and support your neighbors and local farmers. Get to know them. If there isn’t one in your town going already, that is your cue to start one. Talk to your neighbors and see if there is any interest. Schedule a gathering to talk about it at a local establishment. You might be surprised at how many other people want to do the same thing, but they just don’t know how to get started.

Memory Lane: The First Market

The journey I took to write The Covid Code was far from traditional. Perhaps that will be the topic of a future article. When Covid vaccine mandates threatened to remove my primary and backup careers, I had to make some major life changes fast. On the VAXXED bus, I mentioned that I haven’t worked in three years. That means that I haven’t been able to earn an income since April 2021. It is not for lack of trying! There have been various farm jobs that all fell through quickly. Countless applications have been submitted only to find that I am overqualified or underqualified. At one point, I opened a paleo bakery called Rebel Grey, and I held a booth at the very first Freedom Market to promote it. Killer baking skills aside, the market demand was not there for the products I was selling. Barriers to entry were too high in the remote area where I found myself living at the time. The decision was made to close the bakery and focus on writing.

If you are interested, here is a short video from the very first freedom market, where I sold baked goods instead of books. Watch the video

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Stretching after a long day of meeting new friends and spreading the truth. Until we meet again.




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You were meant to be free!

-Zowe Smith

The Thrill Kill Medical Cult on AM WakeUp

w/Rev Teace and Sploding pagers 9/18/24

watch podcast here

I had the privilege of joining AM Wake Up Podcast on Sept 18th 2024 to promote the release of my new book The Covid Code My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult and announce that my vaxxed bus testimony would be in the movie VAXXED 3 Authorized to Kill which premiered in theaters that night. If you haven’t seen AM Wake Up, check it out at least once. It’s one of the best morning shows around, always entertaining, hilarious, and still keeps you up to date on current events.

Don’t let the laid back vibe of the show fool you into thinking it’s just for entertainment. Explaining what really happened doesn’t have to be like science class or business economics. Sense Receptor (worth your support) is an outlet that publishes truth on Covid and frequently features excerpts from my interviews on Twitter. This particular one encapsulates the overview of how the scam worked in a sharable clip.


Medical whistleblower, author, and former medical coder Zowe Smith (@Zowe_TKMC) describes for AM WakeUp (@AMwakeup) how hospitals slaughter patients using the COVID remdesivir/ventilator protocol and then refer to those deaths as deaths caused by “COVID.” Smith, who has written a book about the horrors she witnessed in an Arizona hospital system during the COVID scamdemic (my term) dubbed The COVID Code: My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult, says that “when COVID [came] out, I start[ed] noticing that there [were] patients that are put on a ventilator right away, which was abnormal.” Smith adds that physicians were originally treating COVID patients with azithromycin, and even hydroxychloroquine, but once the CARES Act was passed (signed into law by then-President Donald Trump), “the bonuses [were] enabled for the [COVID] diagnosis code and everything. And then I start[ed] seeing we were giving out remdesivir and exclusively remdesivir.”

Remedisivir is an antiviral drug from Gilead, which has been tied to severe kidney injury and death. It was originally (supposedly) designed to treat Ebola, but it was too deadly in trials and its usage was discontinued. “Almost every time they gave this drug, patients did end up with kidney failure if they hadn’t before,” Smith says.

“Some of them ended up on dialysis. Some of them needed organ transplants afterwards. It was bad.” “Normally, patients don’t get kidney failure from a cold, flu, or pneumonia. That’s not normal. They normally don’t get kidney failure from drugs that we would give for cold, flu, and pneumonia up until that point,” Smith adds. “So I knew there was something going on with the remdesivir because it said… it causes kidney failure. But at the same time and this is how they got the doctors to believe that this was COVID and that this was a new disease that was really, really bad.”

Smith notes: “Anyone having any sort of heart problems was blamed on COVID, and anyone having kidney problems, it was blamed on COVID. So that’s why they thought that COVID was so severe and it was killing people when it was the remdesivir.” The whistleblower goes on to say: “It was right in front of us the whole time…remdesivir… causes kidneys to shut down. So what what do the kidneys do? The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. So when they can’t work, fluid builds up, and it goes up in the body. So it develops into pulmonary edema, which they were calling COVID pneumonia because it looks almost identical on a chest X-ray. You can look at X-ray of pulmonary edema on one side and COVID pneumonia on the other side. They’re identical. And I’m X-ray certified.”

Partial transcription of clip: “When someone had, pneumonia, cold, flu, something before there was any COVID, they would normally be out of the hospital within about 3 days. It wouldn’t be a big deal. There there were patients that had pneumonia that, you know, sometimes would be put on a ventilator and end up with organ failure, but they almost always have massive other things going on like cancer and diabetes and heart failure and lots of other things. So, pneumonia was sort of thought of, like, the last thing on top of everything else, and their body just couldn’t overcome that anymore. And, you know, that that’s end of life. “That was the thought, at least in in Western medicine, the treatment of pneumonia before this.

So when COVID comes out, I start noticing that there are patients that are put on a ventilator right away, which was abnormal. Normally, we would, walk them up to the point of a ventilator. They they would start with the nasal cannula which goes under your nose. They would, you know, monitor your oxygen saturation, and only if it drops below, like, 80, 88 to 85, somewhere in there, is when they, would start the oxygen therapy. And if you can’t, you know, saturate, if you can’t keep your oxygen up with those noninvasive treatments and they they’ve got, like, a mask called a BiPAP that they can do also before they actually go to the full, like, you’re intubated and you’re on the ventilator kind of ventilation, which is the invasive kind. They make a difference between the noninvasive and the invasive. Normally, we wouldn’t go to ventilators that fast. “So that’s that stood out to me as abnormal.

At the beginning, we were treating with azithromycin, and I don’t know if our hospital actually gave hydroxychloroquine. There was, like, a quick little blip in time where, Operation Warp Speed delivered free hydroxychloroquine to hospitals across the nation, and then that was from the national stockpile. And then a few days later, they pulled it. They said you’re not allowed to use that. But that’s also that same drug is Plaquenil. It’s used for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. “So we already had that drug in our formula under a different name…But anyway, we weren’t really using that. I couldn’t find that we were using that. We were using azithromycin for sure at the beginning, and patients seem to be doing okay. They go home, you know, within a week after their, you know, COVID test positive or whatever, and that didn’t seem to be an issue.

Then, April first, the diagnosis code comes out. The CARES Act is enacted. The bonuses are enabled for the diagnosis code and everything. And then I start seeing we’re giving out remdesivir and exclusively remdesivir. And we’re doing this screening because it says that remdesivir has a danger to the kidneys. It can cause the kidneys to shut down. “So it says patients are supposed to be monitored when they’re on this, and they had to have an internal medicine consult and they had to have a renal consult. If they were chronic kidney disease stage 3 or higher, they couldn’t have it. And if they were below, then they could have it, but they had to be monitored. And if their kidney function dropped while they were on the drug, they had to pull the drug, stop giving it. And almost every time they gave this drug, patients did end up with kidney failure if they hadn’t before. Some of them ended up on dialysis. Some of them needed organ transplants afterwards. It was bad.

“So, normally, patients don’t get kidney failure from a cold, flu, or pneumonia. That’s not normal. They normally don’t get kidney failure from drugs that we would give for cold, flu, and pneumonia up until that point. so I knew there was something going on with the remdesivir because it said there’s it causes kidney failure. But at the same time and this is how they got the doctors to believe that this was COVID and that this was a new disease that was really, really bad. “Even the National Kidney Association, if you go right there to their website right now, it’ll say that COVID causes kidney failure. It was also saying that COVID causes heart inflammation, that it’s a a circulatory disease. And so, you know, anyone having any sort of heart problems was blamed on COVID, and anyone having kidney problems, it was blamed on COVID. So that’s why they thought that COVID was so severe and it was killing people when it was the remdesivir”.

It was right in front of us the whole time. I mean, I couldn’t even see it. And the part that I didn’t understand until I saw doctor Ardis’ testimony about what happened to his dad or stepdad, I think, in the hospital, they gave him remdesivir, and it causes kidneys to shut down. So what what do the kidneys do? The kidneys regulate fluid in the body. So when they can’t work, fluid builds up, and it goes up in the body. So it develops into pulmonary edema, which they were calling COVID pneumonia because it looks almost identical on a chest X-ray. You can look at X-ray of pulmonary edema on one side and COVID pneumonia on the other side. They’re identical. And I’m X-ray certified. I’m not a doctor, but I  can read an X-ray, and they look identical to me, an unofficial unofficial answer. But you can look at the pictures yourself and see what you think.”

11:55 AM · Sep 28, 2024

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“You were meant to be free!”


The COVID Code Book Trailer

A short film ‘loosely based on a true story’

The COVID Code Book Trailer

Starring Zowe Smith, Mark Stoller, and Scott Armstrong

The COVID Code Book Trailer is a short promotional film, produced by Mark Robert Johnson, with the intention of combating the myriad of censorship challenges the book faced throughout the publishing process. At the same time, it is meant to entertain you while contemplating the dark nature of the book. The film’s plot is largely fictional and symbolic, though much of the dialogue and information is directly taken from the book, or correspondence that occurred after the manuscripts first draft.

The COVID Code My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult

is exclusively available for sale at

Paperback and Ebook formats available NOW, audiobook coming soon.

Download the trailer for FREE! Post it, share it, and clip it to your hearts content. One of my personal favorite touches is the leveled up version of Gates Pie in the Face, what was yours?

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You were meant to be free!                                                                                       -Zowe Smith