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Medical Surveillance

Part 1: From Contact Tracing to Gene bank AI “Ecosystem”

Medical Surveillance

Part 1: From Contact Tracing to Gene bank AI “Ecosystem”

JUN 13, 2024

Unedited Version

Originally Posted on The Last American Vagabond Substack on May 31, 2024

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You may recall, early in the scamdemic, all the rage was about contact tracing. Public health officials advised Covid-19 could be spread by people who didn’t have symptoms for up to 14 days. Anyone who had been within six feet could be contaminated and unaware. Hospitals began questioning patients about their contacts. For the first time, personal information and that of their contacts, with was recorded.

This was not normal practice for other infectious diseases. It was normal to ask patients who had HIV about their partners. To my knowledge, it was up to the individual to tell those partners. Their contacts personal information did not become part of the record. The HIV patient’s data would then be de-identified and sent to a CDC database for disease surveillance purposes.

Social workers were brought in to help collect data for Covid-19 contact tracing. It was a tedious task that would not be sustainable without digital assistance. As early as April 2020, contact tracing had been outsourced to big tech. Smartphone apps for contact tracing were stealthily released through a regular update. Apple and Google claimed it was strictly an opt-in program. Anyone who updated their phone was passively being tracked via Bluetooth.  The only difference was that people who chose to participate got notifications when they were within six feet of a Covid-19 case.


Collecting the medical record data was sure to go through the American Hospital Information Management Association (AHIMA). They are responsible for licensing medical coders and other health information professionals. It is the responsibility of AHIMA to manage contact tracing data submissions. It also falls on AHIMA to regulate Covid-19 data submissions to the CDC. 

In their journal, I learned a disease registry for Covid-19 was being created through a partnership between labcorps and CIOX. Labcorps was one of the first public labs to roll out Covid-19 PCR testing. It was a perfect match, with Lapcorps providing access to test results combined with COIX’s data integration software

Covid-19 coalition was formed with the stated purpose of sharing and leveraging real-time data. When I put together the members of the Covid-19 registry and the coalition, I began to see how alarmingly public our private medical data has become. Some members of the coalition overlapped those of the registry; Amazon, google, and Microsoft. Some members like Palantir, MITRE and In-Q-Tel clearly represented the interests of government intelligence agencies.

When I became aware of this in early 2020, I was not the only one concerned with the massive amount of data being collected on people without their knowledge. Some parts of HIPAA, the law that is supposed to protect patient privacy, were waived to permit information sharing. More concerning still, this information appeared to be shared with big tech and government intelligence agencies. Instead of calming my fears about private medical data being shared, AHIMA was adding fuel to the fire.

I was unaware there was a program that required hospitals to send patient data to HHS at scheduled intervals. It was part of the HHS protect system. That kind of data transmission was above my pay grade. I was occasionally clued in if the transmission failed. I would overhear grumblings about how the hospital wouldn’t get paid if tech support was unable to fix it in time. I didn’t understand Medicare could reduce payments if hospitals failed to send the required information. The HHS protect system replaced The National Health Safety Network. It is the program Medicare exploits to tie funding to healthcare staff vaccination compliance.


It was shocking, to learn the 3M program I used as a medical coder, had AI built in. How did I not know this? The program had a feature called computer assisted coding. It used natural language processing to analyze records and predict ICD-10 codes. My job as a 3M trainer was to teach coders how to correct the auto-predicted codes. The more coders fixed errors, the machine learning feature would improve code predictions. The big wigs told coders the program was a tool to improve efficiency. In fact, it has been slowly taking over coding jobs as its usefulness improves.

The other program that dominates the electronic health record market in the United States is EPIC. Many hospitals use this program as their core electronic health record system. I learned during the scamdemic that EPIC has multiple AI features built-in as well.

The latest development in healthcare data integration is adding an AI listening feature to generate notes. 3M partnered with Amazon, a member of the Covid-19 information sharing coalition, on the project. The AI listening feature will be integrated directly into 3M. The program will listen to the whole conversation, and doctors will only have to approve the AI-generated note. This is a step ahead of EPICs dictation software, which operates a lot like talk to text on a smartphone. Physicians can also draft templates in EPIC and edit the variables. Either way, the downside is the doctor has to devote additional time generating the notes. EPIC is getting on board to solve this by integrating AI listening features into its software as well. The privacy concern with that is every computer in the hospital is always listening. This effectively kills any facade of privacy in healthcare.


Palantir has a heavy hand in merging AI with electronic healthcare records or EHR programs. Palantir was contracted by the CDC to build a contact tracing app. For Operation Warp Speed, Palantir provided an artificial intelligence program called Tiberius. It was supposed to monitor the ICU bed capacity and ventilator availability. It layers 225 databases across the public and private sector and places them into one “ecosystem”. Tiberius can target ethnic groups based on risk behavior and location.  It doesn’t just map data, it can predict behavior. Palantir was a member of the Covid-19 registry and information sharing coalition.  Palantir also provided the AI platform used by HHS protect to distribute Remdesivir, the deadly drug that causes kidney failure. Not only that, Tiberius was also used to identify patients for vaccine clinical trials.

The CDC commissioned their contact tracing app with Palantir. It was later revealed contact tracing data was collected on Americans without their knowledge and used to give them an infection risk score. The CDC and Department of Homeland Security also purchased cell phone data to monitor lock down compliance, among other reasons.

Palantirs desire for data surveillance shouldn’t be a surprise, as the company was born from a failed CIA program called Total Information Awareness that was privatized. A look at Palantirs partnership with DARPA, In-Q-Tel, and the CIA confirms their roots in intelligence.

I found it disturbing that the other members of Palantir were software companies that developed the programs that were used in electronic record management and medical coding. They were EPIC, 3M, Optum, Allscripts, and McKesson. Every hospital system I worked for used at least one of those medical record systems. In order for these companies to work with Palantir, contracts are required that permit information sharing. An insider who formerly worked at the software development level at 3M, explains the information sharing that happens “is far more than you know”. 


The Covid-19 registry has been disbanded since HHS declared the end of Covid on May 11, 2023. Since then, all the links and references I saved lead nowhere. Registry members were agencies like the National Cancer Institute, NIH, NIAID, National Academies of Science, and Research Alliance Group. Not surprisingly, the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers were members. The tech companies building the infrastructure were Amazon, Palantir, Google Cloud Services, and Microsoft Azure. Government and intelligence agencies were also noted as members. Any mention of DARPA, the CIA, or the Chinese governments involvement, has vanished without a trace.

As often happens, the Covid-19 registry database was absorbed into a private company. CIOX was acquired by Datavant. The Covid-19 registry has been integrated in Datavants real-world data AI ecosystem. There are over 500 partners that continually feed data into the ecosystem which can be used by all partners. Private patient information is de-identified in the ecosystem. Government agencies are allowed to see individually identifiable data, however, because they are exempt from privacy laws.

Healthcare systems partnered with China for Covid-19 research purposes during the pandemic. This granted them access to American healthcare data. The most valuable data is our DNA. As Karen Kingston (and Derrick Broze) points out, the Chinese government acquired Americans DNA under the guise of Covid-19 PCR testing.

BGI is China’s leading genomic company. They have been busy building a gene bank for a very long time. It started out for the human genome project. Like Datavant, BGI partnered with American tech companies to build the gene bank. Their goal is to be able to identify how individuals respond to viruses and vaccines. During the pandemic, BGI sold American providers, like labcorps, Covid-19 PCR test kits. Perhaps that is why the CDC required labs performing Covid-19 PCR tests to send genomic sequences to them. Labs were further instructed to upload the genomic data to public gene banks GISAID and NCBI. This is how our genetic data has been collected and uploaded into a public gene bank without our knowledge and how that information is shared with China.


During the pandemic, the CEO of the hospital I worked for announced that city wastewater treatment plants would be equipped with Covid-19 PCR testing technology. It was proudly proclaimed as a way to predict pandemic outbreaks and monitor Covid in real time. As author Whitney Webb puts it, “under the guise of fighting Covid-19 [the medical industrial complex] increasingly seeks to monitor what is going into, out of, and happening within our very bodies.”. 

I had to agree, it seemed all the tracking and predictive AI programs were leading into dangerous medical pre-crime territory. Private medical data is being shared with international government and military agencies. DNA is being collected from the public to create a gene bank without their knowledge. The information is used by governments and intelligence agencies to predict behavior and target ethnic groups with countermeasures like Remdesivir and vaccines. What could go wrong?

In part two of “Medical Surveillance” we will take a look at how the same AI software was used to develop a vaccine passport system. You will also discover how vaccine status is being tracked via the ICD-10 codes. Stay tuned because where this all leads is more explosive than medical pre-crime.

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Z28.310 is the ICD-10 code for being UNVACCINATED!

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ICD-10 — The Code of the Medical Cult

My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult with Zowe Smith

ICD-10 — The Code of the Medical Cult

My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult with Zowe Smith

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My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult by Zowe Smith

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My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult by Zowe Smith

New code for Covid 19 and payment before April 1 2020

This is 3M talking about implementing the new code for Covid from a software perspective…

3M Completes Spin-off of Solventum

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The Deathwatch of 2020

We are all on deathwatch now.

Deathwatch: (noun) A vigil kept beside a dead or dying person. –

We are all on deathwatch now.

It began slowly. In January 2020, there were rumors of a new disease, a killer, circulating in Italy, Wuhan, China, and soon in a couple of cruise ships.

Then, the first predictive modeling came out, projecting 2.2 million deaths in the US and 510,000 in the UK. That predictive computer model turned out to be quite wrong, but it was enough in March 2020 to lockdown the United States and most of the rest of the world.

There was a deathwatch in March through most of 2020. We all held our breath those first few months and watched with some confusion and cautious relief as the COVID deaths failed to match the modeling, but we were still under all the repressive pandemic measures.

Behind the scenes, there was another kind of deathwatch in hospitals. People who were robust and youthful were dying unexpectedly. Our guest, Zowe Smith, was one of the early medical personnel who made notes and privately questioned what she was seeing.

In her unique position as a senior medical coder with a large hospital, Zowe had access to all the data streams. Her responsibility was to take the patient information collected in the hospital for each patient and send billings to the patient’s insurance company for payment. She saw patient data, diagnoses, progression of care, the evolution of the patient’s condition, and the ultimate resolution, either through discharge or because of death.

And data was just not adding up for Zowe. Procedures, patient care, treatment protocols, drug administration, and more were being changed in unusual ways. Most alarmingly, patients were dying in larger numbers after being on ventilators for weeks or more and after being prescribed Remdesivir.

When Operation Warp Speed rolled out the COVID-19 “vaccines” in January 2021 to first responders and other early recipients, Zowe saw further changes. Suddenly, different kinds of deaths began to occur–massive blood clots and other blood abnormalities chief among them.

From her unique insider perspective, Zowe offers us a chilling hour of detail on how patients died during the year of COVID and how they died when the “vaccines” rolled out. She provides a vivid description of the intentional blindness of bureaucracy in the face of a genuine epidemic of iatrogenic, doctor-caused death that continues to this day.

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Medical Coder Blows The Whistle On The COVID-19 Illusion-TLAV Interview

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder — one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical coder a unique national medical overview, what Zowe describes as a “Sim-City-like view” of all that is taking place. She describes the illusion that was created using this system and the many different manipulations that took place, and are ongoing to this day; improper PCR testing, cycle threshold discrepancies, combination of flu and pneumonia with the presented COVID numbers, and the conflation of clear injection side effects with illusion of COVID-19. At its most basic level, this is medical fraud. Yet when considering the full breadth of willful deceptions and deadly fallout that followed, this rises undeniably to the level of medical genocide. 

Source Links:Store Archives – My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult(41) Zowe (@Zowe_TKMC) / X(12) My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult by Zowe SmithNew Tab(21) Sense Receptor on X: “”I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections…[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down.” A hospital medical coder who goes…″ / XMedical Coder During COVIDNew TabFact check: Medicare pays hospitals more money for COVID-19 patientsNew TabDr. Ardis Interview – Death By Remdesivir: The Illusion Lynchpin Of COVID-19 RiskIvermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19 – ScienceDirectA Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics | New England Journal of MedicineNew TabFaith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t – The New York Times(25) Camus on X: “Japan’s most senior oncologist prof. Fukushima highlights an alarming development in oncology known as “turbo cancer,” which has emerged following the use of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Prof. Fukushima describes it as “a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its…” / XNew TabAgencies announce new ICD-10 codes for reporting COVID-19 therapeutics, vaccination status effective April 1 | AHA NewsWhat is ICD-10-CM (Clinical Modification)? – Definition from WhatIs.comNew TabGoogle & Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed’s Covid-19 Vaccine for up to Two YearsThe Captain of Operation Warp Speed – WSJOperation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts SecretNew Tab‘Expose Warp Speed’ With Whitney Webb, Chips Gels And Sensors On The Way & The Trump COVID PsyopThe Head of Operation Warp Speed & The Gates Foundation Are Pushing BioElectronics & Vaccine PatchesLeader Of Operation Warp Speed Adamant About “Implantable BioSensors” & World Bank Slips Up AgainThe Eugenicist Mindset Propelling Operation Warp Speed w/ Whitney WebbNew TabFrontiers | New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review

Ryan Cristián

“Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.” – John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today’s corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan’s unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle – a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan’s reality defines what it means to be current.

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Exclusive! “People Were Dying Within Hours From The Shots” Warns Hospital Whistleblower

May 7, 2024

The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones interviews ZOWE, a hospital whistleblower, about the deadly Covid shots

“people were dying within hours”

I was honored to be invited on the Alex Jones Show after my Children’s Health Defense Vaxxed bus interview caught his attention. I thought my interview would get lost in a sea of other hospital protocol horror stories. As it turns out, the useless knowledge I developed as a medical coder at various healthcare institutions has finally made itself useful.

Alex Jones is no stranger to controversy. Despite that, the phrase “Alex Jones was right!”, persists after 30 years of being on air. The controversy this interview brought to me is found in the comment section on Normally, I couldn’t care less what people say about me. The truth community is on high alert for frauds, Covid-grifters, and controlled opposition. When this interview was released, trolls immediately attacked my credibility on every platform. Exactly the way good controlled op agents are trained to do. They said, “a coder is not a nurse”, “they work remote, not inside a hospital”, and made weird remarks about my CHD interview being in first person. I’m going to call out just one of them out as an example, medicalvetter777Arguing with psychos and trolls is best avoided, but for my rational audience, I shall clarify.

Coders usually work remote, but they can work inside hospitals as well. There are special CDI (clinical documentation improvement) positions that require employees to work on site. There are also leadership positions that have offices on campus. They often attend meetings and seminars in various hospitals. My first official coding job was at a hospital because they still had paper records. Records have transitioned to full electronic format, which enabled a transition of coding as a primarily remote role.

I don’t see how those details are relevant, however, because it doesn’t change how I speak about working at a healthcare institution. When you join the cuIt, you be become part of a “care team”. It doesn’t matter what service you provide individually, it’s all about the common goal. Soon you find yourself repeating “we did this practice” or “we did this therapy” as if you were a part of it. Coders often speak about the procedures performed in their hospitals in the same tense. It was not uncommon to hear a statement like “We did countless spinal fusions [at my hospital]” from coders in meetings. It’s hospital coder vernacular. Now you are all caught up.

If I ran an internet-based software company and I spoke of the data as if I were “seeing” trends in data collection fraud, would you say it wasn’t happening because I was not there? Would I have to live inside a server for people to believe me? Of course not! The world believed there was a pandemic based on the media telling you hospitals were overrun and showing scary computer-generated images of spike proteins and showing scary graphs. The media wasn’t inside the hospital either, but many people believed them. It is correct that I was not inside a hospital during 2020-2021, but that doesn’t mean what I have to say isn’t true. Medical records tell a story about someone’s life. Coding educators often train new coders to use the codes in a way that “paints a picture” of the encounter. I didn’t have to be physically present to understand what was going on. All the evidence is contained within the medical records.

One of those pieces of evidence is a report called the hospital census. This magical report told hospital admin how many employees are required to meet the patient demand. Supplies and resources are allocated based on a careful analysis of the census. It didn’t take a genius to notice the census was extremely low during most of 2020. The ability to view the census was provided to almost all staff, but it was revoked a few months into the pandemic. That was right around the time they began to furlough the healthcare heroes because hospitals were empty and going broke. When trolls like Medicalvetter777 tell you hospitals were over-run, they are lying. All it took was one glance at my paycheck to disprove that theory, and I didn’t need to be in a hospital to see that.

Lastly, anyone who knows me, knows I can’t shut up about disproving every aspect of the Covid scamdemic narrative. Podcasts shows began inviting me to speak about what I know in 2020. I have been on Truthzilla, Debra gets Red pilled, Liberty UncensoredRebunked, and AM Wake Up. They suggested I should start a channel or platform to get the message out. I took their advice and launched my telegram on Sept 2, 2021 and my Substack in November 2022. If you never heard of me until now, it doesn’t mean I just came out. Censorship is real folks and I have been fighting it for 4 years. It took that long, trying to scream this from the rooftops, to be heard by the legendary Alex Jones.

The Alex Jones Show

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Z28.310 is the ICD-10 code for being UNVACCINATED!

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Deadly Hospital Protocols

Vax-UnVax The People’s Study, April 15th 2024 Salem Oregon

Hosted by Children’s Health Defense: Oregon Chapter

**The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CHD.**

Deadly COVID Hospital Protocols


Hospitals Empty & Going Bankrupt (Excerpt from Chapter 1)

Mandates for hospitals went beyond two weeks to flatten the curve. Orders were to increase bed capacity by 50% across the state. Every hospital was expected to get on board. Infection prevention measures were put in place, requiring all staff to mask and distance. Visitation was stopped, out of an abundance of caution. Covid-19 PCR testing was required for patients suspected of having Covid-19.

Hospital admin drastically changed standard operating procedures to meet the mandates. Elective surgeries were all canceled. ICU patients were ordered to be sent home. They were artificially adding beds for the expected wave of Covid patients. It was a hospital bed closeout sale, all patients must GO!

As patients were transferred out, they closed down different wings of the hospital. Consolidating them. Security was placed at every entrance, like the hospital had become some sort of military base or prison. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) built temporary overflow tents outside. Those tents stayed as empty outside as the hospital beds were on the inside.

The hospital felt the financial impact almost immediately. Almost all support services were laid off. Contract staff was canceled. Anyone non-essential was let go. A hiring freeze was placed on the books. Whatever was about to happen, we had a skeleton crew remaining, and we were keeping it in the family.

Stay Home and Be Afraid

After two weeks to flatten the curve had come and gone, Covid cases began to trickle in. Stay home and stay safe was the media’s new favorite mantra. People avoided going to the ER until they were dying. Car wreck injuries went up because drivers lost consciousness trying to get to the hospital. Patients walked in the door having heart attacks. In their dying breath, patients confessed how they were afraid to come to the hospital because of what they heard in the media. Covid-19 patients were at hospitals and people were afraid to catch it.

Emergency Room (ER) staff did everything to treat these walk-in patients, but they were too far gone. Most that arrived near death didn’t make it, despite best attempts at resuscitation. It was the first tragedy in a long wave of tragedies.

People were not dying of Covid, they were dying of self neglect and anxiety. Some elderly patients weren’t able to access meal delivery or restaurant food anymore. The quality of their diet plummeted. Prompting emergency amputations, surgeries, and dialysis sessions. When the world went digital to accommodate social distancing, some people couldn’t keep up. Hospitalizations were the consequence.

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No Visitors, No Witnesses

The hospital implemented a strict no visitation policy. Only patients with dementia, who were unable to eat or walk, were allowed a support person. Occasionally, the support person was still denied access. A clear violation of the new policy.

Hospitals had just become the scariest place to be on earth! They were experimenting on people and refusing access to family and visitors. If I were going to do something to harm a patient in the hospital, that is how I would design the perfect scheme. No witnesses and a perfect scapegoat if patients don’t come out of the hospital alive. The morgue. I warned everyone not to go to the hospitals anymore. Not until this whole mess was over. Something was not right

New mothers had to deliver their babies all alone. Fathers were not allowed to see the delivery of their child. Not to take care of the mother of their child after delivery. Not to see their newborn. No family was allowed in the delivery room.

Mom, dad, and baby were all required to take PCR tests before delivery. If mom or baby tested positive, they had to be quarantined from each other for the first fourteen days of life! If mom was positive but dad and baby were negative, dad was required to take the newborn home to quarantine. The cult didn’t care how this deprives the newborn of the enormous health benefits of colostrum and breast milk. Separation robbed both mother and infant of critically precious bonding moments. The only concern was stopping the spread. No human considerations were afforded these unfortunate new families. I can only imagine the kind of social trauma that will unfold due to the way these infants were treated at birth.

Dying Alone

End of life was not an exception to the no visitation policy. The dying were only allowed to communicate with loved ones via their personal cell phones. Many elderly patients did not have cell phones or know how to use them. Some were in too poor of condition to operate a cell phone. Nurses took pity and tried to help them speak to their families before they died. Nurses used their personal cell phones to do face time calls for patients. The lucky ones got face time. The not so lucky ones only got a regular phone call. Some were forced to die in a hospital bed all alone, masked up, strapped down, and without human contact or even seeing a smiling face for weeks.

Reading some of these notes was painful! Families tried to explain why they had to use a cell phone to say goodbye. The dying patient usually shut down and stop interacting entirely. To the families sheer disappointment. Their last opportunity for closure, squandered. Nurses struggled with depression over witnessing it daily.

People were outraged at not being allowed to support their parents while in the hospital. Security was repeatedly called to clear out visitors that were getting rowdy with hospital staff. They yelled at cult staff for refusing to allow them to see dying loved ones, their wives, and newborns. Security treated anyone who refused to comply as a threat. Police were called to forcibly throw visitors out multiple times.

The loss of compassion for the most precious moments in life were being denied. I thought the cult swore to provide those opportunities. Clearly, if there is a scary virus, they care more about following protocol than showing compassion. Coders, like most healthcare staff, are exposed to death frequently. Developing a thick skin is a survival strategy. Yet, the sadness that I still feel for all of those who did not get the closure at the end of life, or the start in life they deserved, will stay with me always.

Remdesivir Bonuses & Kidney Failure

There was an additional 20% bump in payment for any one of four experimental Covid drugs. The new tech bonus layered on other bonuses. There were bonuses on top of bonuses. Patients with a Covid diagnosis qualified the hospital for a 20% bonus on top of the normal DRG payment. Patients placed on ventilators earned the hospital another bonus payment.

Remdesivir is an experimental drug known to cause kidney failure. To qualify for Remdesivir therapy, renal and infectious disease consults had to be completed first. Some patients didn’t qualify to receive Remdesivir. If kidney function was stage three or higher, they were automatically denied. If kidney function dropped during Remdesivir infusion, Remdesivir was stopped. Some patients received many doses, others only one or two before kidney failure set in.

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Health authorities told us Covid was not just a respiratory disease, it is a heart inflammation disease and it causes kidney failure. Remdesivir was also known to cause kidney failure. The cult never suspected Remdesivir might be responsible for so many patients’ decline, to them, kidney failure was part of the expected disease process of Covid-19. One of the kidney’s jobs is to regulate fluid levels. In kidney failure, fluids build up to cause edema! Remdesivir patients were almost all on vents suffering from pulmonary edema when they died. Covid patients treated with Remdesivir also carried a diagnosis of pulmonary edema, which was being diagnosed as Covid pneumonia.

Something was very wrong. I now understood the hospital was murdering people. Either willfully or out of ignorance. I couldn’t prove it. I didn’t know the mechanism of action, but I was seeing it happen every single day. As the bodies piled up, so did the Covid-19 incentive money. Funds the hospital desperately needed. It had been running in the red for months and only survived with government bailout money from the Cares act.

PCR Test Was Never Required For Covid Diagnosis (Excerpt from Chapter 2)

One of the most overlooked facts about the now infamous Covid PCR test is that patients were never required to take it to be labeled as a Covid case. All physicians had to do was document that they felt their patient had Covid. Coding guidelines support medical opinion alone is sufficient evidence a patient has Covid. This is an exception to the rule for other diseases. The only other diseases with the same exception were diseases Anthony Fauci had been researching at the NIH. Covid-19 joined Zika and HIV/AIDS on the list of diseases supported by medical opinion alone.

The gravity of this fact cannot be ignored. The cult required all patients to take a Covid PCR test, sometimes repeatedly. Employers outside the cult were beginning to require proof of negative Covid test to do certain activities. People couldn’t fly or attend school without proof of a negative test. All the while, it only took a doctor’s professional opinion to tell whether you were Covid positive or not. I shudder to think how many Covid tests were administered needlessly. How many restrictions were tied to test results? I bet it makes your blood boil.

This was the loophole they exploited to label cases as Covid before a test was widely available. It is how cases were retroactively labeled as Covid before April 1st, 2020 when the official diagnosis code was released. The loophole never went away.

Hush Money To Hide Bodies

Approximately 80% of our patient population was positive for Covid after screening began. Most Covid patients were asymptomatic. The cares act provided Covid testing equipment. Massive bonuses were earned for Covid patients. There was enormous financial incentive for hospitals to have Covid patients. If asymptomatic Covid patients were treated with Remdesivir and ventilation based on false positive PCR results, financial incentives become hush money. Hush money to hide all the bodies and shield hospitals from wrongful death suits.

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Vaccine Policy Tied To Medicare Incentive Payments (Excerpt from Chapter 3)

After I learned the hospital policy surrounding flu vaccines, the pressure to get the jab each year started to make sense. Dollars and cents. Healthcare vaccine policy is based on money, not health. It costs them a lot of money when staff don’t take their shots.

When flu season comes around, cult staff are simply told where to go get their flu shots. They don’t really want staff knowing about exemptions. In 2010, the AMA and the WHO’s stance was that healthcare staff had the right to refuse vaccinations. A decade later, their opinion flipped to giving HHS and Medicare authority to require vaccination as a condition of employment. Flu vaccines have been mandated by the cult since 2013. Exemptions are reluctantly provided in compliance with international law.

There are only two accepted reasons to submit an exemption. Religious reasons or an allergy to the shot. Natural immunity is entirely ignored. IgG tests can show natural immunity to diseases, but they are not routinely offered before vaccination. Yet, upon request, the cult offers a pre-employment IgG titer test for chickenpox (varicella) and allows staff to avoid vaccination if their results show natural immunity. Interesting double standard there.

Medicare established a value-based purchasing program, tying employee vaccination rates to incentive payments. It came into existence with the passage of the unaffordable care act, also known as Obamacare. All Medicare covered entities are required by CDC to report certain quality markers to the National Health Safety Network as a condition of payment. Payments to the Medicare covered institution are adjusted based on the quality scores derived from NHSN data. One of the quality markers is employee flu vaccination rate. If scores fall too low, Medicare reduces payments for all claims during the entire fiscal year. It would be an obscene amount of money to lose for any practice or hospital! Every Medicare covered entity is controlled by this policy.

If Medicare wanted to create a financial incentive for Covid shots, all they had to do is use the flu policy for Covid.

Vaccine Drive Through

December 6th 2020, the hospital began administering the Covid-19 experimental injections, via drive-through! At the office building across the street from the emergency room. Where no emergency medical staff worked. It was an office building that was not open to the public or patients. You could be standing in the parking lot of the drive-through and see the Emergency room sign, lit up in red, across the street. The main hospital building had a helipad on the roof. It was rated a level one trauma center. It was well-equipped to handle emergencies, yet they set up the drive through for experimental injections in front of the building, the least equipped to handle an emergency.

Standing Up To Mandates and Hospital Protocols

It was late January before I began to see what I suspected were Covid vaccine related cases. We were starting phase 1B. The vaccine was now available to the rest of healthcare workers, law enforcement, teachers, childcare workers, adults in congregate settings, and “essential” workers. Whatever “essential” means. The definition changed depending on whom you asked and when.

The first suspected injury cases that arrived were the sudden organ failure cases. I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so quickly or horrifically before the experimental Covid-19 mRNA injections were distributed. Cases of uncontrollable seizures were next. Followed by stroke, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, and peripheral artery blood clots. Strange coagulopathies also emerged. It was the year anticoagulants failed. Hospitals began to fill with waves of Covid patients after vaccination. Last but not least, was a trend in rates of cancer progression. It seemed cancer had accelerated to turbo speed.

After passively witnessing countless types of vaccine injuries and a year of medical murder, I couldn’t take it anymore. I would not be an accomplice. Furthermore, if I was granted an exemption from the vaccine, I would still be subject to weekly PCR testing and masking while on campus. Refusing both PCR testing and vaccination meant I was unable to work in healthcare any longer. Choosing to quit my career was not easy, and I am still feeling the impact three years later.

A fire was set under me to warn anyone who would listen to stay away from hospitals and the experimental injections. Through speaking out, I found other leaders in the fight for medical freedom. I now call them my freedom family, and many of you are here today. One of those connections led me to find a grassroots organization called Pro Medical Freedom that was working to get patients out of hospitals and bring people life-saving therapies that were not available in hospitals. I am proud to have been even a small part of this remarkable organization. Our next speaker, [Redacted by speakers request], is here to tell you all about it.

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