Children’s Health Defense Oregon Chapter
Salem Oregon
Monday April 15th
Speaker’s from 11am-2pm
For updates & event address
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Polley Tommey of Good Morning CHD and VAXXED 1 & 2 will be taking testimonies of vaccine injured and Covid-19 hospital protocols. The information will be entered into “The People’s Study”.
Speakers Include:
Dr Paul Thomas
Zowe Smith-Author of My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult
The Founder of Pro Medical Freedom
Stephen Joncus @ Joncus Law
Attorney who fought against vaccine mandates
The Vaxxed movie is now infamous. One of the most censored movies of all time. The whistle blowers who tried to reveal the massive cover-up regarding vaccine safety have all been canceled. After watching the movie, your opinions about vaccines are likely to change regardless of what they were before. Parents of injured children provide observational evidence that is hard to ignore. That could explain why the movie’s censorship is so severe, as the trailers are still being taken down. If you want to purchase a DVD to have a physical copy, go here.
In Oregon during 2021, restrictions were still ongoing. Very few stores allowed people inside without masks. Vaccine mandates hit Oregon hard. Many healthcare employees have yet to be accepted back without a vaccine or weekly Covid-19 PCR testing requirement. A group of freedom activists came together to put on a gathering called ManiFEST, which provided a platform for censored voices to freely speak. Dr Paul Thomas was one of the speakers that graced the stage that fateful day. Dr Thomas had recently lost his medical license because he tried to publish a study which showed unvaccinated children are healthier. The data showed the fewer vaccines a child received, the fewer chronic diseases they developed later in life. Unvaccinated children had less infections requiring doctor visits over their lifetime. Not surprisingly, the study has been retracted by peer-reviewed journals. Censorship goes that deep. He was allowed to keep practicing only if he did not provide parents with full informed consent prior to vaccination. He was not even allowed to be in the room during the visit.
The following day, at ManiFEST, I found myself on the same stage, explaining to my peers what really happened inside hospitals. I was supposed to be speaking about ‘opting out’ and finding the parallel economy after I quit working in healthcare over witnessing medical murder and vaccine mandates. The crowd was hungry for the truth of what really happened behind the scenes. It inspired me to write My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult. If other people had the same information as I did, they might see the entire healthcare system in a different light. It may explain what happened to their family and friends who found themselves caught in the web of hospital Covid treatment protocols.
As you can imagine, I wanted to help the victims of Covid-19 hospital protocols. The best thing I could do was speak out and raise awareness. Raising the alarm bells on social media caught the attention of another activist who connected me with Pro Medical Freedom. It was a grassroots organization that was fighting back. The mission was to help patients get out of hospitals before the protocols took their toll. They say prevention is worth an ounce of cure. Pro Medical Freedom did not disappoint. The Pro Medical Freedom nurse made house calls instead of allowing people to go to a hospital. Alternative drugs and life-saving oxygen therapy were provided. Almost 150 people would not be with us today if it weren’t for the heroic efforts of the Pro Medical Freedom team. All because one woman believed she had the power to make a difference by creating an alternative to hospital care, and she put that plan into action.
I am honored to have this opportunity to share a stage with such fierce medical freedom fighters who stood up to tyranny. I’m thrilled to share with you a few excerpts from my soon-to-be released book, My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult on the day of the event!
It costs 1000’s to publish a book. This has been my full time unpaid job for two years, (not for lack of trying other jobs & sources of income). To support my work please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Every little bit helps.
“You were meant to be free!”